Monday, February 9, 2009


In the world of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), a Web quest is one of the most fascinating applications for teachers. Student-centered and inquiry-based, a Web quest challenges students to explore the web for information. Rather than simply asking the students to research on a topic in irrelevant sites, the Web quest provides directed learning using a number of sites as sources of information.

By using Web quest, students become involved in knowledge construction by proposing solutions to a real life problem, situation, or authentic tasks. It helps them develop skills for living in a knowledge-based, highly technological society. By bringing real-life context and technology to the curriculum through a project-based learning approach, students are encouraged to become independent workers, critical thinkers, and lifelong learners. Web quest is not just a way of learning, but also a way for students to work together. If students learn to take responsibility for their own learning, they will form the basis for the way they will work with others in their adult life. Especially the teacher, they can easily teach the students and easily communicate and evaluate through web quest.

Yes, it will be very applicable in our country because as we perceive nowadays, teachers and even the students are exposed on the computer or shall we say on the modern technology. But it will not be suitable to the schools that are lack of necessities like computer especially in the public schools.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My Exam


Drill and practice software is usually related with behaviorism that focuses on gives practice that is already learn from the previous lesson, and this software takes over the teacher’s role and acts as a test master to give exercises to which the students are given to respond. It works like for example in “Question and Answer portion”. As you can see on my profile the links presents a question or problem first, and the student is asked to answer the question or problem. Then the computer gives instant response or comment to the students answer. It helps the students to master their logical thinking and develop their comprehension by doing at their own pace especially it is all about biology which is you need to understand carefully what it is all about. Click here

Tutorial software is more linked with the cognitive learning theory. It is a teaching conference spent individually or in a small group and used to allow students to learn the subject at their own pace, usually without any help of other people. It works like for example in my software that is shown on my profile. As you can see, the computer presents some questions that are related to the subject and asks the learner to reply the questions. Then if the student has difficulties answering questions, the computer may well present helpful instructions. Especially my topic is all about biology which is you need to know the new info. about science of life and it is very important to those students who are passive learner because it helps them to enhance their thinking skills and can easily comprehend the topic and can freely ask questions at anytime and it can also develop their communication and reasoning skills. Click here